healing system.
R4Heal is the first worldwide initiative to offer patients a smart, healing hospital environment. After surgery, tailor-made care is provided, whereby personal characteristics and preferences are taken into account, using visuals, games, sounds and scents. This reduces postoperative pain, patients sleep better and move around more easily. As a result, they are released from hospital sooner and with renewed vitality.
R4Heal is a four-year collaboration between Radboudumc (university medical centre) and five SMEs: Relitech, Big4data, Yellow Riders, Centre4Moods and Arbol AI. Over the course of four years, and with the help of a subsidy from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), we are developing an interactive, made-to-measure patient environment.
Society is ageing and the demand for health care is increasing. The older patients need high quality health care. For example, after major surgery, around 50% of those patients suffer complications, such as infections, thrombosis and delirium. We have recently learned that a ‘healing’ environment is playing a large role in the
Nieuwe technieken en inzichten bieden hierin veel mogelijkheden om het welzijn van de patiënt te verbeteren.
Ons doel is simpel: we willen elke patiënt een prettige en warme omgeving bieden die precies past bij zijn of haar behoeften. In deze omgeving zetten we allerlei interactieve technieken in die meten en reageren op het individu en de patiënt regie geven over zijn of haar omgeving. Daarbij focussen we op de 4 belangrijkste domeinen van herstel: pijn, stress, slaap, beweging. Zo zal de patiënt weer sneller en vitaler naar huis kunnen.